What happened to embracing diversity? Keep housing local
Housing isn’t a one-size-fits-all issue. It’s diverse–more importantly–it’s local.
Housing isn’t a one-size-fits-all issue. It’s diverse–more importantly–it’s local.
The Evolution of the Municipal Corporation and the Innovations of.
California’s Legislature is advancing its latest attempt to solve the state’s lack of affordable housing with Senate Bill 9 (Atkins), a measure that would fundamentally change neighborhoods across California and strip cities of their local control over zoning.
The Sheriff's Department's update to California cities.
The Sheriff's Department's update to California cities.
The California Contract Cities Association mourns the passing of Cerritos Council Member Jim Edwards.
A/S Gross – Welcome, good afternoon - Continuing to closely monitor crime statistics - The crime stats continue to be down o Part 1 Crimes down 8.22% o Property Crimes down 7.68% o GTAs up 17%, arrests are made, TRAP, station detectives and special problems [...]
A/S Gross – Welcome, good afternoon - Continuing to closely monitor crime statistics - The crime stats continue to be down in all areas this week (compared to same period last year) o Part 1 Crimes down 10% o Homicides down 23% o Rapes down [...]
A/S Gross – Welcome, good afternoon Continuing to closely monitor crime statistics The crime stats are down in all areas this week (compared to same period last year) Aggravated Assaults down 8% Burglaries down 11% 10% decrease in calls for [...]
A/S Gross – Welcome – Thank you Contract City Partners - Closely monitoring crime statistics since Public Health Order (3/19/20) - The crime stats below are a comparison from this month (March 17, 2020 – April 13, 2020), and the same period [...]