A/S Gross – Welcome, Thank you for joining us.
- Department is continuing the transition into recovery phase
o More businesses open
o Increase in number of people at parks, trails, and beaches
o Successful and massive deployment over Memorial Day Weekend
- Over 50 deputies at the beaches
- No Significant Incidents
o Sheriff, Assistant Sheriff Gross, Chief Kneer, Commander Lewis, and A/Captain Becerra all worked the beaches over the weekend. Example of how the Sheriff will deploy his command staff to lead from the front during tactical incidents
- The crime stats compare March 15, 2020 through May 23, 2020, compared to the same period last year.
o Part 1 crimes down 6.22%
o Violent crime down about 6.57%
o Property Crimes down about 6.5%
o Calls for service down due to people at home and extra patrols
o GTAs are still up
- 25% increase
- Due to stay at home orders and zero bail policy
- Continue to work on solutions to address the issue
o Increase in homicides, up 12%
o Call for service down 5.9%
o Domestic violence calls for service up 6.88%
o Domestic violence arrests are up 8.17%
- Safer at home enforcement
o 4 total arrests
o 73 total cites
- Personnel Status
o 227 personnel tested positive
o Recent spike in quarantined personnel
o Additional personnel assigned to patrol ensured we were able to maintain or exceed contract compliance
- Town Hall Meetings
o Sheriff held meeting in Altadena and Marina del Rey
- Successful community engagement event to interact with community and explain budget issues
o Hate Crime Summit (virtual) on Thursday, May 28th at 1400 hours
o Virtual town hall meetings
- Pasadena on Wednesday, May 27th at 1400 hours
- Santa Clarita on Thursday, June 11th at 1400 hours
- We will continue to partner with Contract Cities and understand the budget implications but we will ensure your cities are safe
- The Sheriff has requested a meeting with the Board regarding our budget curtailments; however, those curtailments will not impact Contract City patrol deployments, as we already eliminated the unfunded positions
Sheriff Villanueva
- Working our way through the budget
o Hope to have a working model up by the end of the week to show all of the cost-saving measures that will have to be enacted to cover the $400 million budget shortfall
o All of this is tentative based on what was given to us by the CEO
o We’ll have a working budget by the end of June, then make hard decisions, but to minimize the impact to all of the communities we provide service to
- Custody reports a slight downward trend in positive cases among inmates and slight spike among staff
o Overall trending in the right direction, therefore the measures we took early on are paying off
- Masking and social distancing will be very important as other segments of the economy open
U/S Murakami
- Promotions
o We will be meeting with the CEO to ensure patrol promotions take place to make sure we have sufficient supervision in the field
o Even with projected promotions, we will still be short 260 sergeants and our goal is to get proper staffing in the field, which would be a cost savings by saving on overtime
o Also helps to mitigate liability
Marcel Rodarte (CCCA)
- Positive feedback for CCCA re: Liability Trust Fund surcharge to stay at 11%, instead of increasing to 11.5%
- Also working on options for Sheriff rate increase of 5.56% for FY 20/21, will discuss further at City Manager meeting
A/S Gross
- Looking forward to continuing to move forward to the new normal
- Deputies are making quite a bit of arrests
- Zero bail is allowing people to get out of jail in a quick manner
- Deputies continue to work hard for you