Ambassadors Committee
Ensures new members, elected officials and key city staffers, are cordially and properly welcomed to the CCCA family. Assigns ambassadors to each newly elected official to introduce to the Association and inform them of all the CCCA member benefits and opportunities. The Ambassadors Committee meets semi-annually and more often as deemed necessary by the committee chair.
Associate Members Committee
Develops and fosters public/private partnerships between member cities and the business community by providing mutually beneficial resources and services to educate and inform. Creates long-term relationships and a forum to better serve the goals and priorities of the CCCA and its Associate Members. The Associate Members Committee meets quarterly and more often as deemed necessary by the committee chair.
Budget & Audit Committee
Prepares the CCCA annual budget as prescribed in the bylaws and submits it to the Executive Board for review and recommendation for adoption by the CCCA Board of Directors. Reviews revenues and expenditures in relation to CCCA events, programs and projects. Coordinates annual independent third-party audits with the Executive Director for review and acceptance by the Executive Board in accordance with CCCA bylaws. The Budget and Audit Committee meets semi-annually and more often as deemed necessary by the committee chair.
Bylaws Committee
Reviews bylaws annually and make any recommendations for changes, additions or deletions that would be in the best interests of the Association membership. The bylaws committee meets semi-annually and more often as deemed necessary by the committee chair.
Legal & Contracts Committee
Offers general legal interpretations and recommendations as requested by the CCCA Executive Board. Works with the county services providers on the contracting process, terms of the contracts, and the equity of the contracts in a manner to serve the best interests of our member cities. Works with county contractors, if necessary, to insure our membership is getting equal service for equal dollars. Per CCCA bylaws, the Legal & Contracts Committee Chair must be an attorney at law and MUST consist of members who are attorneys at law; however, committee members who are not attorneys may also participate. The Legal & Contracts Committee meets quarterly and more often as deemed necessary by the committee chair.
City Managers & Administrators Committee
Committee is limited to city managers and administrators of CCCA member cities in good standing. No response is required from city managers and administrators for appointment to the committee. Committees shall meet and discuss issues directed to the committee by the Executive Board. Monitors, develops and advises on issues impacting member cities and make recommendations to the Executive Board from the viewpoint of city executive staff. Maintains an information bank on various contract services. The City Managers & Administrators Committee meets monthly and more often as deemed necessary by the committee chair.
Legislative Committee
Actively evaluates legislation, develops legislative strategies and priorities for the year. Recommends legislative and policy positions to the Executive Board for adoption by the Board of Directors. Plans and executes the CCCA Annual Sacramento Legislative Tour each January. Develops a communication system to rapidly contact members when there is an urgent policy or legislative position to be taken by the CCCA membership. Coordinates with the Executive Director direct communication with legislators and policy makers to promote CCCA’s position on important legislation and policies. The legislative committee meets monthly and more often as deemed necessary by the committee chair.
Marketing Committee
Reviews and directs advertising, marketing and branding of the Association. Develops tools, campaigns, and makes budgetary recommendations to the Executive Board to promote CCCA to members and potential members. The Marketing Committee meets quarterly and more often as deemed necessary by the committee chair.
Membership Committee
Solicits potential member cities throughout California. Tracks new city incorporations and makes personal contact with council members. The Membership Committee meets quarterly and more often as deemed necessary by the committee chair.
Public Safety Committee
Explores and recommends improvements and reforms to policing, prosecuting, and law enforcement in general to the appropriate stakeholders via the CCCA Executive Board. Reviews all subject matter relating to public safety including policies, procedures, funding, and risk management. The Public Safety Committee is expected to meet monthly or as needed as deemed necessary by the chairperson of the committee.
Resolutions Committee
Develops resolutions, letters of support, letters of opposition, or other position papers recommending a position on any subject that is important and in the best interest of the association and the member cities. Subjects may not necessarily be exclusive interests of contract cities. The Resolutions Committee meets quarterly and more often as deemed necessary by the committee chair.
Special Events Committee
Plans and conducts the CCCA Fall Educational Seminar and any other special events with the approval of the Executive Board. Submits a comprehensive written report to the Executive Board after event completion and offers suggestions on how to enhance and improve subsequent events. Prepares a yearly calendar of CCCA events for distribution to the Board of Directors by September 1st of each year. The Special Events Committee is meets quarterly and more often as deemed necessary by the committee chair.