Chief Hellmold – Special Operations Division
- Welcome, the Sheriff is in a meeting with County Leaders, Assistant Sheriff Gross and Undersheriff Murakami are on the call and available. A/S Chase and A/S Limon will also provide updates
A/S Gross – Patrol Divisions
- Continued Patrol surge, 500+ additional personnel per day
- From Detective Division, Courts, etc.
- 400+ extra in patrol, 200+ in custody
- Unofficial crime stats show decreases:
- Part 1 = 8% decrease
- Violent crime = 10% decrease
- Calls for service = 15% decrease
- Continuing to check businesses (open and closed), beaches, trails, etc.
- Non-compliance enforcement
- 99% of non-essential businesses are compliant
- Always seek voluntary compliance via warnings and education
- If a business continues non-compliant actions, report will be written and handed over to District Attorney for potential future filing
- Attempt not to arrest, cite and release if possible
- Gun shops
- After additional Federal Guidance, no gun shops will be ordered to close in Los Angeles County
- Personnel update
- 6 confirmed cases, 147 currently quarantined (a total of 210 have been quarantined, but some have returned to work)
- Some hotels in the county (i.e. in Pomona) could be used to quarantine homeless and employees.
- Employee testing up and running (more below)
- Information updates
- DOC messages are continually updated and distributed to personnel to assist all personnel as we move forward
- National Guard on standby, no requests to them yet by Department
- They did help set up medical shelters in Long Beach over the weekend
- Board Motion/Meeting
- Motion passed to re-organize the county emergency management
- Nevertheless, Sheriff is committed to L.A. County, especially during emergencies
- There will be no reduction in services by the Department
U/S Murakami
- Met with police chiefs in the County
- Despite social media reports, the Department did not issue a “Safer at Home” citation to any individual
- Department has 253 EMT trained and 17 Paramedic trained personnel who may be available to be redeployed to assist
- Department of Public Health is issuing orders without giving notice to, or getting input from, law enforcement. Difficult for law enforcement to react quickly when not included
A/S Chase – Custody Divisions
- Continuing to screen, separate, and isolate inmates
- One inmate tested positive, now in stable condition
- Quarantine levels are very low right now, only about 50 inmates out of 14,000+
- Law enforcement the most vulnerable. Jail staff is more susceptible than inmates due to movement in and out of the jail facilities
- Trying to minimize flow of inmates into custody
Chief Hellmold
- Hotels and facilities may be used to house homeless people released from custody to keep them off of the streets
A/S Gross
- For A/S Limon, no updates for Court Services at this time
Chief Hellmold
- Testing process in place for personnel
Lt. Vienna – CEOC Team 3
- Established comprehensive testing process
- Multiple criteria in place to ensure employees are tested when necessary
- At home testing, facilitated by sergeants assigned to team
- Self-collected by employee, then sealed, and picked up by team sergeants
Chief Hellmold
- Department Operations Center (DOC) is issuing directives all the way up the chain of command before disseminated to staff
- Orders are continually added and updated to ensure they are accurate
- Contract City resource requests should go to the Sheriff’s DOC
- Station Captains can assist with requests to the DOC