Your Membership Has Value
The California Contract Cities Association implemented a new attendance policy on January 1, 2019. To maximize the value of membership, all attendees of CCCA sponsored events and programming must be members in good standing. This includes current member cities, associate members, and strategic & county partners. For over 63 years, CCCA has been committed to fostering collaborative governance to advance the benefits of the contracting model and to strengthen local control. As CCCA continues to grow and evolve, we are more determined than ever to providing high-quality programming, networking opportunities, and innovative solutions that leave cities stronger and more resilient.
CCCA has made tremendous progress in our advocacy and programming over the years. As such, we have reached a point where we must uphold the benefits of our membership program. CCCA membership enables us to provide valuable resources and staffing in support of our unique programming and experience at each of our events, including our monthly Board of Directors meeting, Annual Municipal Seminar, Fall Educational Summit, Sacramento Legislative Tour, and many more. Our membership also provides a platform for critical discussions and decision making on policy issues impacting our cities.
Maintaining CCCA as a member-focused organization will help preserve the quality and integrity of the Association as we continue to invest in excellent programming and unique experiences for our members. For our current and potential members, please ensure you are current on your membership as of January 1, 2019. If you are currently not a member and wish to join CCCA, please contact us at
On behalf of the entire California Contract Cities Association family, we appreciate your support and look forward to providing you with many more opportunities to better serve our communities.