Attention Local Officials:

The California Legislature just passed Senate Bill 9 (Atkins), a measure that would fundamentally change neighborhoods across California by replacing single-family homes with seas of apartments–regardless of local zoning restrictions. SB9 would strip your cities of local control over zoning laws.

Now it’s on Governor Newsom’s desk. Contact him today and urge him to veto SB9 TODAY. His deadline is Sunday, October 10.

We also created a toolkit to make it as easy as possible for you to inform your constituents about SB9. Whether at the grocery store or in an online community group, NOW is the time to get the word out and take action.

Post this information and image on your social media to get the word out about SB9

#SenateBill9 will allow your neighbors to build up to 4-10 unit apartment buildings right up to your property line and with no additional parking.

This is what your neighborhood could become if #SB9 passes–and there’s nothing you or your city government can do about it. 

If you want to protect your neighborhood from SB 9, write a letter to Governor Newsom TODAY–the governor is going to vote on this bill by Sunday, October 10.  Let your voice be heard 👉 

1️⃣ Go to (link in bio)

2️⃣ Select ‘Have Comment’

3️⃣ Enter your first name, last name, and email address

4️⃣ Select your subject: SB00009/Housing development: approvals

5️⃣ Tell Governor Newsom you #OpposeSB9


  1. To download this GIF, simply right-click on it and save the image to your device. Then go to your social media platforms and select the image from your Photo Library or Downloads folder.
  2. Paste the language above into your post and share.
  3. Don’t forget to also add the link to the Governor’s website ( to your bio.