July 9, 2015

California WaterFix (Alternative 4A) Public Review and Comment


The updated environmental analysis for California WaterFix (Alternative 4A) is now available for public review.  The official comment period begins on Friday, July 10th.  The California Department of Water Resources and Bureau of Reclamation are proposing California WaterFix (Alternative 4A) as the preferred alternative to update California’s primary water delivery system, improve the natural direction of river flows, help native fish species navigate to and from the ocean during critical migration periods, guard against water supply disruptions, and help local water projects like recycling and groundwater recharge work better.  The environmental analysis of California WaterFix, as well as two other additional alternatives, and updated information from the 2013 Bay Delta Conservation Plan (BDCP) Draft Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement (EIR/EIS) is included in the BDCP/California WaterFix Partially Recirculated Draft EIR/Supplemental Draft EIS.   California WaterFix (Alternative 4A) is being proposed because of project revisions and in consideration of public review and comment. It includes three new intakes along the Sacramento River and dual-bore tunnels to convey water to the existing state and federal pumping facilities, and habitat restoration measures and environmental commitments necessary to mitigate impacts in compliance with State and Federal environmental laws. Rather than preparing a long-term conservation plan that was a part of the BDCP, California WaterFix (Alternative 4A) embodies an alternative implementation strategy for gaining necessary permits and authorizations for implementation under the California Endangered Species Act and Federal Endangered Species Act.

Public Review Documents and Additional Materials

Press release regarding the public review period Environmental analysis Fast Facts

California WaterFix fact sheet

California WaterFix Optimization fact sheet

Frequently Asked Questions regarding the environmental analysis

Animations on proposed water facilities and flows


Public Review Period: The revised environmental document is being made available for public review and comment from July 10, 2015 through August 31, 2015.   During the comment period, written comments may be submitted via:

  • Mail to BDCP/WaterFix Comments, P.O .Box 1919, Sacramento, CA 95812
  • Email to BDCPComments@icfi.com
  • At public meetings (see below)

Hard copies of the documents are available at the Department of Water Resources, 3500 Industrial Blvd., Room 117, West Sacramento, CA 95691 and at the Bureau of Reclamation, MP100, 2800 Cottage Way, Sacramento, CA 95825. The documents are available electronically at www.BayDeltaConservationPlan.com and at libraries throughout the state. Visit www.BayDeltaConservationPlan.com to find a location near you. Electronic copies of the documents referenced in the environmental analysis will be available at the DWR Office at 3500 Industrial Blvd., Room 117, West Sacramento, CA 95691.   Public Meetings: Two public meetings will be held to provide more information on the contents of the RDEIR/SDIES and to accept public comments.

  • Sacramento – Tuesday, July 28, 2015, 3:00 – 7:00 p.m., Sheraton Grand Sacramento Hotel, Magnolia Room, 1230 J Street, Sacramento, CA 95814.
  • Walnut Grove – Wednesday, July 29, 2015, 3:00-7:00 p.m. Jean Harvie Senior and Community Center, 14273 River Road, Walnut Grove,  CA 95690.

All substantive comments received will be responded to in the final environmental documents and considered in the decision-making process.   For more information, For additional information, please contact Theresa Olson, Reclamation, 916-930-5676 (TTY 800-877-8339) or Cassandra Enos-Nobriga, California Department of Water Resources, 916-651-0178. For assistance in locating the documents or if you have special needs, contact 866-924-9955.