36th Annual Fall Educational Summit
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Friday, September 9, 2016
9:15-10:15 AM Session 1: Water Conservation & Technology: Every Drop Counts
Bill McDonnell, Water Efficiency Manager- Metropolitan Water District
Scott Houston, Director- West Basin MWD
10:15-11:15 AM Session 2: LA County Ballot Measures: Updates for the November Election
Jacki Bacharach, Executive Director- South Bay COG
James Bozajian, Mayor- Calabasas
11:30-12:30 PM Session 3: Waste Diversion Efforts: Where Do We Put the Trash?
Tom Koutroulis, Director- Waste Management
Clarke Pauley, Vice President, Organics & Biogas Division- CR&R
James Castro, Republic Services
Haik Petrosian, Vice President- Commercial Waste Services
Judi Gregory, Zero Waste Director- NASA Services
1:45-2:45 PM Session 4: LASD and The Liability Trust Fund- Where Have We Been & Where Are We Going?
Sheriff Jim McDonnell, LASD
Curtis Morris, Mayor- San Dimas
2:45-3:45 PM Session 5: Utilities & Climate Change Impacts: Are We All Prepared?
Laurel Hunt, LMU (Session Moderator)
Adam Smith, Program Manager, Climate & Air Policy-Southern California Edison